Tattoo Cat
"Tattoo Cat" is a digitally drawn original design featuring an enchanting folk art cat with whimsical and spooky tattoos. It has a simple silhouette from a distance but has details you'll want to get up close to appreciate-- like little ghosties on the biscuit makers.
8x10 print. Greyscale. Frame not included.
"Tattoo Cat" is a digitally drawn original design featuring an enchanting folk art cat with whimsical and spooky tattoos. It has a simple silhouette from a distance but has details you'll want to get up close to appreciate-- like little ghosties on the biscuit makers.
8x10 print. Greyscale. Frame not included.
"Tattoo Cat" is a digitally drawn original design featuring an enchanting folk art cat with whimsical and spooky tattoos. It has a simple silhouette from a distance but has details you'll want to get up close to appreciate-- like little ghosties on the biscuit makers.
8x10 print. Greyscale. Frame not included.
The Fall 2024 Collection features digital designs that blend gothic and folk art styles. With a Victorian feel, floral motifs mixed with bones and webs reflect the themes of life, nature, and death. The intricate lines showcase careful craftsmanship, resembling folk art in their repetition and symmetry. Primarily in greyscale, the collection evokes an eerie and enchanting atmosphere, making it ideal for seasonal decor or dark, eclectic spaces.